

Comac Medical – part of Clinical Trials Day on Horizon 2020: Challenges & Best Practices

Brussels, Belgium

About This Event

On March, 15, 2017 in Brussels Comac Medical and its representative – Monika Panayotova took part in an international training on Clinical Trials in H2020 projects, organized by the EU funded project Fit for Health 2.0.

Comac Medical was selected to be among the 50 participants from Europe as the company is involved in a H2020 clinical trial proposal and former beneficiary of Horizon 2020’s SME Instrument Phase I project.

The Clinical Trials training focussed on challenges to be taken into consideration while planning and implementing clinical trials in H2020 projects, such as for example budget calculation, time planning, site involvement, recruitment planning, ethical aspects / approval procedures and data management.

The participants discussed the challenges in H2020 Clinical Trials with the representatives of the European commission – Dr Cornelius Schmaltz, DG Research & Innovation, Head of the Unit Health Research -Strategy, EC and Dr Mark Goldammer, DG Research & Innovation, Health Research -Strategy, EC.

Well experienced experts from the European Commission and running H2020 projects shared their knowledge, experiences and best practices during the event.
